A better choice: The "Wyoming Tax Swap"
Replace general sales tax, use tax, and business
personal property tax with simple, flat income tax on Federal AGI (approximately
3%) and corporate net income
Retain excise taxes on gasoline, cigarettes, etc.
If swap is revenue-neutral, Federal deduction gives citizens
an effective "rebate" of 15% of state and local taxes (Sales taxes aren't
deductible; income taxes are.)
If state and local tax revenue is increased slightly,
state can balance budget and residents still pay less, overall, than
Retail business relieved of overhead of collecting taxes
for state
Capital investment, modernization no longer penalized
Wyoming consumers rewarded for buying in Wyoming
Consumers from Colorado, Nebraska, Utah, Idaho would travel
to Wyoming to patronize local businesses
Tax base broadened to include out-of-state businesses
(e.g. utilities) which depend on infrastructure but do not pay fair share
of taxes
State tax return would fit on a postcard.... Could be
submitted via a secure Web page due to Wyoming "electronic signature" law
Income taxes are exportable as component of cost of goods
sold (Currently, we pay other states' "exported" taxes)