- AWS-3 Spectrum (Could become "National Broadband
Deployment Band")
- 700 MHz "D Block" (Cellular industry would not share
with public safety, but WISPs would)
- Take back the virtually unused LMDS "A" band for
local wireless broadband
- Increase power limits in rural counties
(Population <200K) by 9 dB for Part 15 WISPs on 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz,
5.3-5.8 GHz, 60 GHz (for inter-tower links)
- Increase geographic granularity of spectrum
licenses; allow providers to pay
as they go rather than paying in full before they can make a dime;
prohibit hoarding
- Doctrine of "adverse possession" for
- Do not write regulations that assume that only
content providers are innovators or that only ISPs can be gatekeepers
- Do not regulate unless there is actually
a problem, such as anticompetitive behavior
- Fix the broken "middle mile" (special access)
market, where there is
anticompetitive behavior